Mortal Realms Magazine
This is an 80 issue 24 page magazine, launched in the UK in 2020. It was the second partworks collection created by the Warhammer studio to promote their main line products. The Mortal Realms magazine was launched and completed its run with great success in many countries and languages across the world.
The Mortal Realms magazine preceded the Imperium Magazine, but was based on the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar range. I created the look and feel fo the first four Mortal Realms magazines, then worked in tandem with another designer to near the end of the 80 issue collection where I passed on the role to a new designer while I took on the responsibility of creating the look and feel for the Imperium Magazine.
The Age of Sigmar range is a fantasy world created by the Warhammer studio, the magazine uses assets such as art and photographs from the core products to create a new magazine in order to introduce new customers to the range.This magazine was split into four sections, Read, Build, Paint and Play. It was my role to deliver a design that worked for each section individually and tied in together as a collection as a whole.
Mortal Realms - Cover
Each cover comes with bespoke photography featuring fully painted versions of contents of the magazine if it was to come with miniatures and artwork should it come with paints.
My Role: I created the look of the covers and artwork using assets from the Age of Sigmar core range. I assisted in briefing the photographer of the needs for the cover image and chose the art based when no photography was needed.
Mortal Realms Magazine - Further Covers
Design Concept: Each cover was unique and as the collection progressed we changed the cover to match the story being told by the writer within the pages of the magazine.